Sunday, February 23, 2020

The World of Children

One of the most pleasurable aspects of visiting a far-off place is when a few moments
are spent just people watching.  More specifically, watching the young children of
that distant land as they go about their business … the business of being young.

Well spent are the moments watching them in their time of imagination, of serious play,
  of dreams and of daring.  A child's world has no political boundary, no geographic
 limits and no cultural taboos.  It is what they want it to be. The young of all lands
 remind us of what Walt Disney once expressed and is often forgotten;

"Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, dreams are forever."

Santo Domingo schoolgirls sing and play on the street during recess.
Kids, giggles and elusive bubbles.  A day at Vienna's Stadtpark.

Polish youngsters, pigeons and rain. A perfect afternoon in Krakow.

In Naples, i bambini pose as mamma
snaps a photo along Vicoletto S. Arpino.
A stunning pirouette in Rome's Piazza
Navona. A dance. A smile. Que Bella!
 Adventurous seafarers they are!!  They launch and sail their craft 
in the pond at Paris' Jardin du Luxembourg.  La joie de la vie!!

"Every child is a different kind of flower and all together,
make this world a beautiful garden."
                                                                                                   ----  Anonymous

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