Sunday, January 5, 2020

Dia de Los Tres Reyes

Little children, excited and anxious, place cut grass in a small box and fall asleep on this night
 anticipating a visit by three Magi.  It's the eve of Dia de Los Tres Reyes!! Three Kings Day.
In Mexico, Puerto Rico, Spain and other Hispanic countries, cultural tradition has, for centuries,
called for celebration of this special occasion.  The Magi, who bore gifts for the baby Jesus,
are said to mount their camels to visit all little ones with special gifts on this night.

In the morning, little children will awake to find the cut grass gone, likely eaten by the camels
and in its' place a gift … from the Magi.  The day will be one of celebration when all join to
attend church, exchange gifts, visit family and friends and host plentiful, celebratory dinners.

 January 6 …  Three Kings Day …  Dia de Los Tres Reyes … Celebrar!! 

An original depiction of Los Reyes, The Kings, by Puerto Rican artist, Sandra Jusino.

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