Sunday, March 8, 2020

A man, his ideas and buildings ... in Vienna.

Away from Vienna's more touristy attractions are unique, thought inspiring structures, the works of Vienna architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser.  Artist, environmentalist and self-taught architect, he's been considered a
 visionary by some and an eccentric by others.  He believed in the compatibility of human beings with nature and carried it through his building designs, art and lectures stimulating thought and conversation around the world.

His buildings are mostly absent straight lines which he believed to be "Godless".  The windows are of varied designs reflecting his "windows rights" concept.  His "tree tenant" belief is very evident, as it gives
vegetation the same occupancy rights as humans.

A bit different?  For sure!  But his unique ideas suggest "cookie-cutter" living to be unnatural.  Are there straight lines in nature?  Shouldn't the area around our windows reflect our uniqueness as individuals?  Should humans and vegetation not coexist?  Or must we adapt to some unnatural, dictated "cookie-cutter" living space?

All interesting thoughts, highlighted as one visited the  Friedensreich Hundertwasser buildings
during a most enjoyable afternoon wandering the streets of Vienna.

Hundertwasserhass - A 52 unit apartment house incorporating the architect's vision of oneness with nature.  Undulating surfaces, varying colors, individualized windows and greenery on ledges, rooftops and terraces.

Kunst Haus Wein - A 19th century factory, now a museum, renovated
by Hundertwasser to include his style concepts … wavy floors, uniquely
accented windows, artistic columns and more.

A shopping, café space in Kunst Haus Wein with curved, uneven
stairs, floor and railings and attractively mismatched surfaces..

"Visual pollution is more poisonous than any
other pollution because it kills the soul."

* * * * * *

                                                                                    "The uneven floor becomes a symphony, a melody for 
                                                                                         the feet, and brings back natural vibrations to man." 

* * * * * *
"The dreams are the last kingdom where man can take
refuge and recover.  Spoiling dreams is like taking away the
roots and the future from man and nothing is left for him 
to long for.  Man lives and feeds of dreams."

                                                                                    --------   Friedensreich Hundertwasser                         

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