Sunday, June 16, 2019

Naples' Lungomare

        Naples' Lungomare (seafront) wraps around the bay offering a front row view that is beyond alluring.        
To the south it is the imposing Mt. Vesuvius that dominates the skyline.  All along the Lungomare the tranquil waters lap the shore and one spots local fishermen, religious icons, ancient sculptures and more. The history,
the culture and the authenticity of Napoli and of the Napoletano are there to see and appreciate.

Gulls, Vesuvius, lapping waters and a soft breeze.  It's morning on Lungomare di Napoli.

A lone fisherman awaits his morning catch.

The early day sun silhouettes the Sebato fountain. 

Padre Pio watches over the bay from a stone outcropping.

One summer's evening, a very young lad sat with his Italian uncle beneath a grape arbor as the elder Italian shared grapes and stories of diving into the Bay of Naples as a little boy, a ragazzo di strada (street kid).
  He'd dive to grab coins tossed into the water by passengers on-board ocean liners to help support his family. 
 The Italian uncle, the sharing of grapes, the ragazzo all came to mind as one looked out across the waters 
and walked slowly along the Lungomare on a quiet, sunny morning in Napoli.

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