Sunday, May 2, 2021

Captivating Images In A Darkened Sky

It is not very often that the view of the sky from one's window or the neighborhood sidewalk might 
 appear as an impressive work of art.  It is even less likely that such artistic imagery would appear 
 two times in three days.  VOILA!!  Two well publicized events in the past week brought-on 
 surprisingly artistic scenes, clearly visible and wonderfully enjoyed by those who looked skyward 
 in the predawn morn and again looked up as nighttime fell upon western Florida. 


In the predawn hours of Friday, April 23, very shortly after the 5:55AM launch of SpaceX - Falcon 9,
the rocket's vapor trail began to dissipate in the earth's atmosphere.  For just a few moments
as the sun's rays shot up, but not over the horizon, the trail appeared as if an artist's delicate
white brush had wafted across a black canvas.  A predawn teasing of the imagination!

After sunset on April 26, the Pink Moon (aka Supermoon) climbed above the tree tops at a near-by 
 pond.  As it climbed higher and light, airy clouds passed by, the moon's clarity and color subtly
 changed.  It was like witnessing the creation of a natural celestial masterpiece.  For a passing moment, 
 the Pink Moon actually took on a truly pinkish hue.  Seemingly, it stood still in a darkened blue sky  
 with no visible stars or clouds distracting from the enchanting aura it cast across the globe.  

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