Sunday, January 17, 2021

Van Gogh Alive ..... at The Dali

Van Gogh Alive is a unique experience for both the art lover and the casual wanderer.   At the   
 Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, FL, the works of Vincent Van Gogh are literally brought to life. 

Rather than tiptoe through a quiet gallery viewing paintings from a distance, here one is enveloped 
in a continual symphony of light, color and sound and is immersed in Van Gogh's works of art.  It is a journey through the artist's short but creative life as over 3000 images are continually cast over walls, ceilings, columns and floors while a classical music score enhances the fusion of life, feelings and "still" works of art. 

Here, one doesn't just view art.  It is immersive and one easily feels what Van Gogh was expressing.

The Salvador Dali Museum, St. Petersburg, FL

Vincent Van Gogh
Self-portrait 1889
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Van Gogh was self-taught and produced over 2000 works of art in his life, but he sold only one.  
As visitors experience this unique showing of his works, they are transitioned through various 
phases of his life and the pieces that reflect his changing emotional state.  From subdued, earthy 
tones of the Netherlands to bright flowers and gardens of Southern France and from his 
troubled depiction of Vincent's Bedroom in Arles to his disturbed but hopeful portrayal of a Starry Night, 
painted while in an asylum, one follows Van Gogh's emotional and creative movements. 

One may meander or stay and contemplate.  Breeze through or linger awhile.  Children, seniors, 
art lovers or just passers-by all seem to be fascinated and taken-in by the application of technology to
  old, classic art.  While there was an absence of interest in Van Gogh's art during his lifetime, today, his 
  masterpieces are central to a medium that is opening a vast new and excited audience.   
What a difference time and tech. can make! 

The words of Van Gogh, in his handwriting and taken from the 819 letters he wrote to his 
younger brother are, at times, linked to the artist's imagery.  Softly falling petals, twinkling stars, 
shifting waters, flying crows and many other images are brought to life here and connected to the thoughts 
confided to his brother.   Together, they tell of what the troubled artist envisioned and expressed on canvas.  

Starry Night - a widely recognized work of Van Gogh was painted while
in asylum.  Its' dark images reflect depression and the stars show hope.


While the Van Gogh Alive experience cannot be justly replicated, a glimpse of some of
what those visiting the presentation enjoy is possible.  Short videos, taken at 
The Dali, can be seen by clicking and connecting below....... Enjoy!!

1. Self Portraits - click - Video 1  

2. Wheat Field, Starry Night on the Rhone 
& Starry Night - click - Video 2

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