Sunday, October 9, 2022

Chinsegut .... A Storied Plantation

In a rather remote area of central Florida, on the crest of the highest peak on the state's peninsula, a nearly 170-year-old plantation manor house holds fascinating stories from the lives of its' owners, residents and guests. 

 Noteable in Chinsegut’s history is the very prominent actress, playwright and author, Elizabeth Robins, a friend of George Bernard Shaw and Oscar Wilde.  She bought the plantation to share as a residence with her brother, Raymond.  He had been an Alaskan gold prospector turned preacher before marrying an organizer of women’s unions. He had studied economics and, after marriage, became an advisor to seven U.S. Presidents and an emissary to Russia where he befriended Marxist revolutionaries Leon Trotsky and Vladimir Lenin.

Chinsegut, through the years, saw a parade of visitors including Helen Keller, Thomas Edison, J.C. Penny,      Wm. Jennings Bryan and various Soviet ambassadors.  It was also home to a girl who came as a slave at age 12, stayed on after emancipation and became a pipe smoking midwife delivering more babies than any area doctor.

Casually walking through Chinsegut's beautifully restored manor house, pausing on the raised veranda and looking out across the well groomed acreage, one imagined relaxing there in the company of those quite notable guests and their gracious hosts, enjoying a julep, conversation and the picturesque tranquility of a time long past. 

The Chinsegut manor house.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

The Spirit's Journey

While not on most tourists’ “must see” list, visiting a burial ground can be quite interesting. 
Here, in a cemetery in Puerto Rico, one was intrigued by a belief long-held by islanders. 

Since 1863, Cementerio Santa Maria Magdalena de Pazzis in San Juan has been a burial place
for many Puerto Ricans.  Historically, Spanish culture viewed death with superstition and fear.  
The cemetery’s oceanfront location is said to have been chosen to enable the spirit to peacefully  
move beyond death to the afterlife.  Here, the spirit is thought to be calmed by the natural sound  
 of the ocean and the quiet beauty of soulful marble sculptures.  The vast expanse of the ocean 
reaching the horizon and “touching” the heavens is seen as connecting our earthly world with 
the hereafter, offering one’s spirit clear, safe passage to the distant, ethereal afterlife.

A comforting setting for those fearing death and what may follow.



Sunday, July 31, 2022

Eye-catching Birds in the Wetlands

As the seasonal rains expand the reach of standing waters in Florida’s lowlands,
 water birds and others enjoy a refreshed habitat and an opportunity to pose for the camera.


 A perfectly postured Great Egret stands silent and still as it waits, then it instantly
strikes an unexpecting passing fish.   Nearby a Little Blue Heron patiently waits on a 
felled log for the moment its’ prey comes within reach. 

Great Egret
Little Blue Heron


A Green Heron gives its' unique call while skipping atop the swamp’s lily pads and a 
migrating Black-bellied Plover likely detoured from its' flight path to feed at a coastal buffet. 

Green Heron
Black-bellied Plover


A Great Blue Heron stands statue-like as it stalks its’ prey in 
 the shallow coastal marsh.    
Great Blue Heron

"A free bird follows its' own rules."
                                                                               --- Unknown

Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Longest Day ... A Perfect Ending

 The golden hue of the sun cast across the distant horizon and slowly dimmed
as waters softly lapped upon the shore and gulls made a final pass,
bringing a beautiful end to the year's longest day. 

~~~ <> ~~~

Saturday, May 28, 2022

They Earned Our Gratitude

~~   Memorial Day .... A Day of Remembrance   ~~

President Truman's address to the Armed Forces, April 17, 1945
inscribed on The World War II Memorial, Washington D.C.


Sunday, April 3, 2022

A trip to "The Store"

 Walking along and seeing an old general store brought on thoughts of a time not
so long ago when going to "the store" was an event for the whole family.  It was
before Amazon, Instacart and such.  It was a time when you cleaned-up a little before 
going out and when the clerk or shop owner actually knew your name and talked to you.  
In early years, "the store" was a social, shopping, and fun experience for all.

While the old general store is just one of several restored/relocated structures at
the Tampa area's Heritage Village, it depicts much of life in that earlier era.
Some canned goods, meat for dinner, a few yards of fabric and some chew were
all to be had while catching-up on the latest gossip, picking-up the week's mail
and a piece of licorice for the kids.  A pretty neat look back on another, simpler time.

~ The day's specials ~
 ~ The canned food aisle ~

~ Express checkout ~
~ Your mailbox ~

~ Everyone's favorite ~